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Items tagged "Boats": 90

Nan and Alfred at the Saturna Beach Lamb BBQ

L-R; Nan Logan, Alfred Reynolds. On a boat, celebrating the Saturna Beach Lamb BBQ.

Lamb BBQ Boats

A picture of boats moored in Winter Cove for the Lamb BBQ in 1994. Unknown who is in the photo.

Thomas Zuccolo with his Boat

"Thomas Zuccolo with his boat the Farmer Tom. Alma says it was Thomas that built this boat."

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Boats in Lyall Harbour

Lyall Harbour. Saturna Island BC.

Edwin Chase's Boat Stranded
Edwin Chase's boat stranded after the mooring lines broke and the vessel drifted halfway down Tumbo Channel.

Edwin Chase's Boat Stranded
Edwin Chase's boat stranded after the mooring lines broke and the vessel drifted halfway down Tumbo Channel.

Edwin Chase's Boat Stranded
Edwin Chase's boat stranded after the mooring lines broke and the vessel drifted halfway down Tumbo Channel.

Edwin Chase's Boat Stranded
Edwin Chase's boat stranded after the mooring lines broke and the vessel drifted halfway down Tumbo Channel.

Sinking Boat at Black Rock, West of Tumbo Island
A vessel that was enroute from Alaska to Blaine. Helsmen fell asleep; no casualties. The vessel stayed stranded upon the rocks for around six months. Was eventually salvaged.

Sinking Boat at Black Rock, West of Tumbo Island
Canadian coast guard with a crane, attempting to haul out a sunken ship, but inadverntly pushes it out deeper (see: 2019.1.2)

Sinking Boat at Black Rock, West of Tumbo Island
Canadian coast guard with a crane, attempting to haul out a sunken ship, but inadverntly pushes it out deeper (see: 2019.1.2)

Sinking Boat at Black Rock, West of Tumbo Island
A vessel that was enroute from Alaska to Blaine. Helsmen fell asleep; no casualties. The vessel stayed stranded upon the rocks for around six months. Was eventually salvaged.

Boats at the Lamb Barbecue
View full record for details.

Boaters Heading to the Barbecue
People attending the Lamb BBQ at Saturna Beach

June and Danny Fletcher in a Boat off East Point
June and Danny Fletcher Saturna Island

Danny Fletcher at East Point
Note on back reads: "Dugout canoe (found) August '62"

Fiberglass Dugout Canoe at East Point
Note on back reads "'BIJIBOBJI' fibreglass dugout - Betty Cary Prince Rupert to USA South".

Boat at East Point
Note on back reads "Chilco Post - Summer 1964". Boat that arrived the day Moby Doll was caught.

Derek Fletcher at East Point
Canoe at East Point. Note on back reads "Derek Fletcher - Aug 62".

On The Boat from Shoal Harbour Sidney
Picture of at least 12 people on the deck of a boat. Note on back reads "Boat 'Captain Morban'."