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An Altar for Parson Payne's Church on Saturna Island

A photocopy of the article written by John Rodd reproduced from 'Woodcuts' Autumn 1992, issue 5 which describes John Rodd's production of the altar cross for the church

Saturna's Churches

Saturna's Churches_compressed.pdf
Small 4 page pamphlet on the history of Saturna's 2 churches. Mentions Bishop Michael Coleman, Norman Wilson ,Daisy Gillespie and Reverend Alan Reynolds

St. Christopher's Church Historical Notes

St. Christopher's Historical Notes_compressed.pdf
Pamphlet on the History of St. Christophers Church and the building of the church written by Dora Carney who was born in Cape Town in 1903. Contains 2 drawings: one by E.K.Lysen and one by Thelma Jones.
Pamphlet mentions: Major and Mrs Bradley-Dyne, Parson Payne, Bishop Coleman, Norman Wilson, Betty Wilson, Jim Campbell, Lorraine Campbell, Art…

St. Nicholas' Chapel

St. Nicholas Chapel_compressed.pdf
Photocopy of an 8 page pamphlet entitled "Saturna Pioneers of Worship" by Bakhshish Gill. With a number of photos; On Page 3 small photocopy of of photo of St Nicholas Chapel, entitled "Church Bay(the chapel would later come to be known as St Christopher's ") Detail from the register of Baptisms, showing Rev.Payne's name for the Chapel :…

Raising the Roof: Saturna's Churches

in the church basement. The Lions Club helped with the cost and the remodelling and a member served.pdf
Three page article by Dawn Wood entitled Raising the roof : Saturn Churches. Covers a short history of the Church and a request for donations to repair the roof.

The Parish of Pender and Saturna Islands

THE PARISH OF THE-compressed-compressed.pdf
16 page pamphlet entitled : The Parish Of The Pender And Saturna Islands " by Rose Taylor and The Reverend George Taylor. Contains the history of the Parish of Pender and Saturna Islands focuses on St Peters on Pender with some references to Saturna Island. Cover of pamphlet contains illustration of St.Peters Church

Writers of Saturna Island

Writers of Saturna.pdf
A series of interviews with various writers who live on Saturna.

Stella Coutts

Stella Coutts;
Stella was a great bridge player with a big smile and often a joke to tell. Unfortunately this picture doesn't capture her properly.
In telling the joke, Stella would start giggling and make any joke funny and a pleasure to listen to.
Stella was an active member of the Saturna Island Women's Service Club and a good cook.

Laura & Jamie Carpentier's Wedding

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John and Carol Money put on the wedding for Laura & Jamie. Laura was John's sister Betty's daughter and we were very fond of her. She was living on Saturna and soon caught the eye of Jamie.
Jamie was the son of Betty & Geno Carpentier who lived at the corner of Waveney Road & Sunset Boulevard, and he grew up on Saturna Island.
They were married…

Laurel (Cunningham) & Jim Dunkley's Wedding

Laurie and Jim 1.jpeg
Laurel (Laurie) Cunningham was the daughter of Lill and Don Cunningham. Don was the nephew of Lou Money.
Laurie & Jim were married on August 20, 1988 at St. Christopher's Church, followed by a lovely dinner put on by the Saturna Island Women's Service Club at the Saturna Community Hall.
Cara Money was the flower girl wearing a beautiful dress and…

Polly Howarth

This is a picture of Polly Howarth. This one was taken at Jim & Lou's 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration at Carol Money's home on October 15th, 1985.
Polly has a love of jewelry. She was always dressed up, even when gardening and she loved her gardening! But she would be perfectly coordinated and dressed up, even in the garden.
She was a lovely…

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Tracey Pillsbury

Tracey Pillsbury was a truly gracious woman.
When young women moved to the island, she often enjoyed inviting them over for a visit to get to know them. Out would come the good Irish linen with the beautiful lace trim, matching napkins, and a lovely "proper" tea with all the fixings.
She was a teacher of Home Economics.
Her husband had been a…

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Davina Vincent

Davina Vincent was a kind, very quiet, patient woman whose husband was Jack Vincent.
They lived in the panabode house on the west side of the log house at East Point that is close to the water when you are driving on Tumbo Channel Road.

Louise (Lou) & James (Jim) 50th Wedding Anniversary

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L-R: George Whiting, Jim, Lou & Doug Money.

George Whiting sits on the fireplace hearth next to Jim during the celebration Lou & Jim's 50th Wedding Anniversary at Carol Money's house.
George & his wife Edie lived in the 2 story white house that he built on Payne Road across from where Boot Cove Road meets Payne.
George was a tireless community…

Landslide on Saturna!

The notes on the back of this photo say: "Landslide of School Hill on East Point Road that went down to the water in Lyall Harbour. Money Road out to Lyall Harbour Marina was also blocked by the landslide. John Money and Barry Crooks had two machines working to clear the slide along with other machines hired by the Department of Highways."

Lill Cunningham Singing

L-R: Susan Lindsay, Flo House, Lill Cunningham singing, John Scott, Judy Tipple & Paula Scott.

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Margaret Fry's 80th B'day

A picture of Margaret Fry holding a flower arrangement.

On the back of this picture that Carol Money received from Margaret, it says "Carol, A momento of the beautiful flower arrangement with the b'day 'girl'. Margaret."

Bill Lawson giving a toast

L-R; Ann Bavis, Shirley Piper, William Lawson, and Don Hogg.

This is a picture of William (Bill) Lawson making a toast at Carol and John Money's wedding. Bill and his wife Irene were the owners of the Saturna General Store and he was one of the original Charter members of the Saturna Lions Club.

To his right is Don Hogg. Don was the road…

Terri, Kristin, Andy, and Ashleigh

L-R: Terri Siemens (expecting baby Eric), Kristin (usher at our Carol Money's), & Andy holding Ashleigh on his arm.

Here is a picture of Carol Money's brother, Andy Siemens, who was a Charter Member of the Saturna Lions Club, taken May 8th, 1982, with his family.

Les and Mary

L-R; Les Crosby and Mary Copeland

Les was one of the original Lions Charter Members.
He and his wife Hilda lived out at East Point in a house he built on the water side of Tumbo Channel Road that they called "Green Arbour".
Here is a picture of Les having a chat with long time Saturna resident Mary Copeland at Lou & Jim's 50th Wedding…